Helpful Resources for CyberWidows
PLEASE NOTE: all links open in a new window!
The Center for OnLine Addiction has many wonderful resources.
Husbandsdoingwhatonline…this site is for both sexes, and looks at all types of internet problems related to marriage problems…infidelity, gaming, porn. A Yahoo!Groups membership is required to browse, and you must join the group to post.
*MSN Boards - Marriage and Divorce "What's Your Spouse Doing Online?" - at one time was a very busy place - it goes in cycles now, but is still worth reading.
Many resources at the About messages boards; you will have to look through and find what is appropriate to your situation. Some search terms can be "cyberaffair," "internet addiction," etc.
Answers to "Is Cyber Sex Cheating?"
Dear Peggy…she has many resources beside her boards…be sure to check out the articles sections, as well as the questions of the week, both current and past.
Check out iVillage's "Sex Coach" for more guidance/advice. Her advice about cybersex & cheating is here.
Betrayed Spouses Support Group at ivillage
The Key Bridge site and boards offer lots of information at - supportive boards to join & read
The "Marriage Builders site has many, many sources, as well as some good boards to post/read at.
Infidelity: The Pain of Betrayal
A Site for suspicious spouses! Tips, tools, relationship tests and more.
SpectorPro: the world's best selling product for recording every
detail of PC and Internet activity in your home, office or school.
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that will inform you when the PC you are monitoring has
encountered dangerous or inappropriate web sites, emails or chats.
BOOKS to check out...
Tangled in the Web: Understanding Cybersex from Fantasy to Addiction by Kimberly S. Young
Cybersex: Uncovering the Secret World of Internet Sex by Kimberly Young
Cybersex Exposed: Simple Fantasy or Obsession? by Jennifer Schneider MD Ph.D, Robert Weiss
Infidelity on the Internet: Virtual Relationships and Real Betrayal by Ph.D. Maheu Marlene M., Rona Subotnik
In the Shadows of the Net: Breaking Free of Compulsive Online Sexual Behavior by Patrick Carnes (Editor), David, Ph.D. Delmonico, Elizabeth Griffin, Joseph M. Moriarty
Your Marriage and the Internet by Tom Whiteman, Ph.D., Randy Petersen
Caught in the Net : How to Recognize the Signs of Internet Addiction—and a Winning Strategy for Recovery by Kimberly S. Young
Virtual Addiction: Help for Netheads, Cyberfreaks, and Those Who Love Them by David N. Greenfield Ph.D
The Skinner Box Effect: Sexual Addiction & Online Pornography by T. M. Grunder
Hidden Dangers of the Internet: Using It Without Abusing It by Gregory L. Jantz
Surviving an Affair by Willard F. Harley Jr.
After the Affair: Healing the Pain and Rebuilding Trust When a Partner Has Been Unfaithful by Janis Abrams Spring
The Psychology of the Internet by Patricia Wallace
From Christianity Online, a good article on internet infidelity and what exactly is betrayal of vows.
From the Center For Internet Studies…a look at "Cybersex - Crossing the Line On Line," and "Computer Widows and Widowers: How to Rescue Your Marriage from Virtual Destruction."
Online Horror Stories! Read The Prose Menagerie "Met on the Net"
Interested in being part of a study? See… (for married men/women who are involved in a cyberaffair)
Dateline: Is Cybersex Cheating?
Dateline: Sex and Sensibility
Addicted to Online Porn: Experts Fear Rise in Cybersex Obsession
A lengthy abstract: "Cyborgasms - Cybersex Amongst Multiple-Selves and Cyborgs in the Narrow-Bandwidth Space of America Online Chat Rooms.
An article by Dr. Riki Robbins on the "Four Stages of Trust" from InnerSelf Magazine
An article entitled "Relationships in the Cyberworld."
A transcript from an Ottawa radio show on cyber adultery: "…married people who are going on the Information Highway... and taking a few pitstops at the virtual motel."
A transcript from the same Ottawa radio show on tracking cyber adultery.
And…continue to search for positive/constructive sites on marriage, sex, forgiveness, trust…there's a lot out there that can help! More and more are being added every month…
** If you find any link that is incorrect or has expired, please email the webmaster. Also, if you have a link that you believe will help other CyberWidows/Widowers, please email it to the Webmaster for review. Thanks!